“And the very God of peace sanctify you wholly; and I pray God your whole spirit and soul and body be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ."

1 Thessalonians 5:23


A letter from The President

God is moving by His Spirit all over the world.
The Holy Bible prophesied of this very thing:

“Arise, shine; for thy light is come, and the glory of the Lord is risen upon thee. For, behold, the darkness shall cover the earth, and gross darkness the people: but the Lord shall arise upon thee, and his glory shall be seen upon thee.”
(Isaiah 60:1-2)

God is preparing His end-time army. Endtime Ministries International Bible University is raised up by the Spirit of God for such an hour as this. As the Holy Spirit draws believers, there will be a hunger in their heart to know the way of the Holy Spirit, and to have Word knowledge, to move in wisdom and understanding.

We are preparing for God’s end-time prophecies and end-time harvest. Miracles, signs and wonders will happen in abundance as God’s people move forth in reaching the lost and strengthening the Body of Christ. It is a time to be perfected in His Love; you are important, answer the call. You are appointed to learn and anointed to serve.

Don’t let the enemy find you unarmed, equip yourself for service by earning an online degree with EMIBU.

In His Love,
Dr. Laurella Meyer,
President Endtime Ministries International Bible University

Our Founders

Dr. Esther Mallett and Dr. Laurella Meyer Co-Founded EMIBU in the year of our Lord 1970. Dr. Mallett (The first EMIBU President), wrote several books over the years, which are continually used today.

Dr. Mallett was also one of the world’s greatest personal soul winners. The Lord put a desire in her to raise up many laborers to preach the Kingdom Gospel all over the earth.

Thank you, Dr. Mallett! We love you, and we will carry on training Endtime laborers in honor of your memory.

Our History

Endtime Ministries International Bible University (EMIBU), has been in existence since 1970. The Lord spoke to Dr. Laurella Meyer while she was ministering at a local church in San Diego, CA., and said, “You’re going to have a Bible College.”

Months later, this was confirmed by prophets Dr. Esther Mallett, and Dr. Laurella, who established the work in one months time.

Endtime Ministries International Bible University (EMIBU), has been in existence since 1970. The Lord spoke to Dr. Laurella Meyer while she was ministering at a local church in San Diego, CA., and said, “You’re going to have a Bible College.”

Months later, this was confirmed by prophets Dr. Esther Mallett, and Dr. Laurella, who established the work in one months time.

Dr. Mallett has written several books on endtime ministries. The Lord put a desire in her to raise up many laborers to preach the Gospel of the Kingdom all over the nations of the earth; as spoken in the book of (Matthew 24:14), “And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come.”

EMIBU 2020: University On The Air was Born!


EMIBU is now online as University On The Air – an internet extension, that goes all the way from:
  • Singular Classes
  • Associate of Theology
  • Bachelor of Arts & Theology
  • Bachelor of Theology
  • Master of Arts & Theology
  • Master of Theology
  • Doctor of Theology classes
A Certificate of Chaplaincy may be earned along with the degree. We are also developing a Counseling Certificate. All online students that complete the program may participate in a full Academic Ceremonial Graduation. MISSION STATEMENT EMIBU as University on the Air – Our Mission Statement:  Inspired by the Word of the Lord, (Isaiah 61:1-6):
  • To preach the Gospel of the Kingdom – demonstrating the Love and power of Jesus through the Holy Spirit. To bring hope, healing, deliverance, and salvation to the nations of the earth.
  • The goal of University On The Air is to teach and train, by Spirit-filled courses, wonderful men and women to answer the call of God, to restore broken lives, giving to the lost – the Garment of Praise for the spirit of heaviness.
  • To promote the uniting of Christian ministries in declaring the Gospel. They will know we are Christians by our love. To see the Word of God fulfilled before the return of the Lord.
  • Our university is one way to get systematic, Spirit-filled courses that will help you to obtain an internationally recognized degree as you press into the call of God on your life.


Our Accreditation

Our teachers have degrees and are Spirit-filled, dedicated, and anointed. They are Godly examples that give glory to the Lord Jesus Christ.  Their students are most important, and are taught with love and purpose. Our teachers serve as the Holy Spirit directs, and are reviewed periodically.  Our purpose is to develop teachers that are flexible, yet constant.  Character qualifications are also reviewed.  Biblical standards apply to teachers and staff, as well as students. We have a five-member Spirit-filled Board of Directors, that earnestly seeks the Lord’s direction for our school.

University on the Air is an internet extension of Endtime Ministries International Bible University (EMIBU).   Located in Duarte, California. It was founded in 1970 as a soul winning university to train ministers and Christian workers. It is in good standing, for which we are so thankful. It is recognized by the State of California, and is accredited by the world’s largest non-governmental accrediting agencies, the Transworld Accrediting Commission International (TACI) of Riverside, California, and the Accrediting Commission International (ACI) of Beebe, Arkansas.


We Believe:

While our faculty annually affirm their agreement with the full doctrinal statement of EMIBU, students need to agree with these essentials:

1.  The Holy Bible (the eternal, everlasting, infallible, heaven-sent, Holy Ghost inspired Word of the Lord) is accepted in its entirety as the complete Word of God.  It is our source of Spiritual Knowledge and Truth.  It conveys to us the only true revelation of God, our knowledge of salvation, and the true origin of all things and of the hereafter.  It is the final Word, the final decision on all points of doctrine as touching life and godliness. 2 Timothy 3:16-17

2.  We believe in the personality and absolute deity of One God, comprised of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit; eternal in existence and equal in glory, majesty and power.  We believe God to be the Creator of all things and the Author of eternal redemption.  We believe on the Lord Jesus Christ as man’s only and all sufficient Savior. We believe that Jesus is the only Son of God, the Creator of all things with the Father, and appointed as Judge of all men. Colossians 1:12-19

3.  We emphatically embrace the Bible’s account of Christ’s virgin birth, His vicarious death on behalf of lost humanity, His appointed burial, His bodily resurrection, and His ascension on high.   His high-priestly work in heaven, and His imminent return to rapture the righteous, the living, and the dead to execute judgment upon the wicked.  We acknowledge the Holy Spirit as the Comforter, the Divine Agency of Regeneration, the Administrator of the great program of redemption, the Revealer of Christ, and the Distributor of Gifts and Graces bestowed upon the Church.

4.  We believe in the Ordinances established by Jesus Christ, observed and administered by the Church, namely: Water Baptism, a visible representation of our death, burial, resurrection with Christ, as well as the Lord’s Supper, a means of fellowship, partaking of the benefits bequeathed to believers through the reverent observance of this perpetual ordinance.

5.  We believe in the message of the Baptism of the Holy Spirit, subsequent to the new birth with the Bible evidences and the results of the Spirit-filled life: namely endowment with power, revelation, power to witness, love, and zeal, and in the accompanying gifts, graces, and fruits of the Spirit.

6.  We believe that every born-again person in this dispensation is a member of the Body of Christ, which is His Church.

7.  We recognize the fact that those who are born again possess a Divine Nature and with the power of the Holy Spirit overcome the old nature.

8.  We believe that divine healing and miracles are a part of this Great Salvation. Through the gifts of healing, the laying on of hands, the anointing with oil, or simple faith alone, physical healing, well being, and deliverance from pain and suffering are privileges of Christians throughout the Gospel Age.

9.  We recognize the obligation to preach the Gospel to save all the world, not only by the preached Word, but by life, example, and prevailing prayer.

10.  We emphatically believe in the second, imminent, personal appearing of Jesus Christ, our Lord.

11.  We believe all Christians are called into a life of separation from all worldly, sinful practices, and should take every opportunity to further goodness and righteousness on earth.

12.  We emphatically believe in Biblical Marriage between a man and woman and believe that children should be raised in the goodness and admonition of the Lord.